Singing a round

Site: ABRSM: Teacher Hub
Course: Teaching Rounds
Book: Singing a round
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Date: Friday, 18 October 2024, 6:11 AM


Singing rounds is a great way to introduce part singing.  

Being confident with leading rounds will really help your children develop their singing skills and singing in harmony. This task will help you to develop your confidence in your own voice as well as demonstrate how to teach a simple, effective round to your pupils.

Hearing their teachers' voices is a powerful way to give pupils confidence in their own voice.  Getting as many adults as possible in the school or community setttings to sing will make singing seem like a normal activity to the pupils, and they will be less likely to be worried about their voice. 

In the following videos, you will meet Tosin. Tosin is a vocal practitioner working in Greater Manchester. She will lead some warm-ups with you, first body and breathing and then vocal warm ups, then she will teach you a warm up song using a call and response technique, click 'next' to move through the series of videos. To demonstrate this further, she will teach this warm up song to Jennie. Finally, Jennie will teach Tosin a simple round. 

On the final page we ask you to submit songs you really enjoy teaching and songs you wish you were using in your lessons. Over time, this list will grow to become a great library of song choices for all of us to refer back to. 

1. Body and Breathing Exercises

2. Vocal Warm Ups

3. Warm up song

4. Teaching a round

5. Sharing your ideas

Once you have completed the videos, think about why it is important for you to use your voice in your lessons. 

Think about the songs you love to teach and those you wish you could teach. Add your favourite songs and the ones you'd like to introduce into your singing in your teaching setting into the padlet below. Over time, this resource will grow as more teachers find this Teacher Hub resource. So why not pop back in a couple of months and get some new ideas from other teachers. 

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