by Monica Smith -
Number of replies: 3

Has anyone done a recorded entry for ARSM yet? How do your pupils react to the recording - same nerves, more nerves, less nerves? Do you think you get the same sense of occasion? Thinking about doing one soon so any help would be welcome. thanks

In reply to Monica Smith


by Hilary Smethurst-Evans -
Hi Monica, sorry but I haven't done a recorded ARSM but a colleague is doing one soon. They are making sure that it is recorded in a different venue, so not their front room or teaching venue with the idea that this gives it the sense of occasion.

I know my pupils tend to get as nervous, if not more, for recorded exams - I think the camera/phone can sometimes be more 'scary' than an examiner in the room. It is definitely not an easy option, parents are always very impressed when they hear their children's playing. Maybe that is one of the many positives - that parents can actually hear the exam and celebrate their success with them.
In reply to Monica Smith


by Deleted user -
I've been preparing for a recorded ARSM for my pupil.

I would say that the nerves are about the same. We decided to do the recording at a local music centre so that he can perform in a nice large space, make use of a grand piano and really exhibit his performance skills. Focussing that intently for 30 minutes is really demanding. Even without a 'live' audience pupils know that someone is going to be listening with an expert ear and are obviously keen to do their absolute best in the moment so there will definitely to be some nerves.

Good luck!
In reply to Monica Smith


by Catherine Millar -
How did you get on?I am thinking of trying one very soon? I agree with what Hilary has said below. Keen to know how people have got on.