Teaching piano to diagnosed autistic with demand avoidance

Re: Teaching piano to diagnosed autistic with demand avoidance

by Catherine Millar -
Number of replies: 0
Hi Maria,
The reply from Kate is very comprehesive and is great advice. I would only add, maybe having a mock exam in advance of day, firstly with you and then maybe another time with an appropriate colleague. Would it also be possible to go and play on the piano in the actual exam room in advance of the day? Any or all of these things may reduce the new sensory experiences happening on that one day for the first time.
I once stayed in the room for a whole exam (student didn't want me to leave after accompanying first two piececs) and it was an interesting experience. It all went well apart from right at the end when the student wasn't quite understanding the question in the aural and the examiner didn't quite pick up that they needed to come at it from another angle and re-word the question. So I would practise aural tests with different ways of asking questions, just in case. Good luck with it all. It is great that he has you taking the time to make this a postive experience for him.
Best wishes