Familiarising with Abrsm (and Trinity actually)

Re: Familiarising with Abrsm (and Trinity actually)

by Russell Jackson -
Number of replies: 0

I would recommend taking a look at the website https://www.abrsm.org/en-gb/instruments/brass.

There are two ABRSM exam options you can help pupils prepare for, practical or performance grades. Practical grades require candidates to prepare three pieces from the syllabus lists (one from list A, one from list B and one from list C). They also prepare a set of scales and arpeggios that they will be asked play a selection of from memory. There are supporting tests too. These are sight-reading and aural. There are books available for you to help your students prepare for these. Practical grades take place in person, in front of an examiner.

Performance grades require candidates to prepare four pieces (one from list A, one from list B, one from list C and a fourth piece of their choice). These are recorded exams and you upload the video to the ABRSM website for assessment.

I hope some of this helps!